June 3, 2012

Unintentional fun

Not intentional at all.

April 3, 2012

Made an account on NicoNico

Not NicoNicoDouga, per se, but NicoNico.com, the beta English version.
My user ID is 15538809, and I go under the name MissPeya

I'm just gonna try posting my best-of type work on there and see if and how people react.

Also, want to let whoever knows of this blog know I'm in the works of planning something special.
What kind of special thing? Well, you'll see. I'll just say it's a collaboration.

February 12, 2012

Whatever you guys do...

...Don't google my YouTube name and go to images.

...It's really embarressing because I have a lot of really old pictures from my photobucket and stuff in there.

...And with saying that, all of you are going to investigate, aren't you?


January 29, 2012

Gakupo finally installed!

I am a dummy!

To celebrate the occasion, I'm finally doing what I should have done eons ago and rework my Monochrome No Kiss cover.

Me, with some other by-standers, felt that the original cover was too low.
The thing is, I enjoy when Gakupo sings low, but I agree, the cover was too low, even for him.

So I'm upping him an octave and giving it another go.
Go find the video here:

January 5, 2012


I love how I appeared to completely disappear from the Internet.
All of those 1k subscribers...totally left in the dark.

Well, listen, since I don't really feel like making another YouTube account since they overall SUCK, can I get those of you who follow me on this blog to draw attention to my new site?

I've tried to get NyanNyanMelody to help me out a bit, but I don't think her effort has been very successful. Word of mouth might work better.
I've got a few new videos up on the site, and I plan on doing more once I get back from a holiday trip I went on. Just got exams to get through.
So don't expect those videos right away. Passing my math exam is top priority because I suck at it.

New Video Releases:
My Favorite Things - Luka Megurine, Sweet Ann, & Prima.
-Yes, the Sound of Music song. Even went through the trouble of making my own instrumental backing. I might do an even more elaborate song from the Sound of Music when I get back to my computer.

Ballad of the Goddess (Encore) - Miku APPEND & Rin Kagamine ACT2
-I'm not sure if NyanNyanMelody will get mad at me for doing this...or Nintendo for that matter. Any of you play Skyward Sword? Any of you listen to the music CD that came with it? Well, that rendition of Ballad of the Goddess was too tempting to pass up after I collaborated with Melody.

Also went and completed most of the Archives, so if you still don't see an old video that you liked, gimme a PM, and I'll look into it.
I'm also on dA as TheUntoldLegend, where I sometimes post the art I draw for my videos and MMD pictures for giggles 'n stuff.

Have a good Thursday.